
Urban Portrayal 18-24th August 2011

Exhibiting with The Incident Room

If you'd like to exhibit at The Incident Room please send your Artist Statement, CV and a Proposal including the following information:

Artistic Identity -
Name, Contact info, Web links, Location

Intentions -
How you wish to use the space. How do you envision your artwork to be displayed? What equipment will you need (unable to supply but have contacts)? What changes to the space need to occur in order to install the work i.e holes in wall. Also is this a solo exhibition or collaborated by us? Are you applying to a specific brief?

Images -
A few high resolution images for us to ponder over with artwork details i.e dimensions, material etc

Dates -
If you've any dates in mind (if not applying for specific brief)

We also accept proposals from curators who'd like to collaborate!

Do be creative when propositioning us! We love to see you embracing all fields of communication

A 25% commission will be deducted from any artwork sold whilst exhibiting in shows run by our curation team at The Incident Room

For further information about hiring the gallery please contact us for a Hirers Information Pack